Tuesday, March 3, 2009

It all started with the hiccups.

Hiccups are my new and very vocal arch nemesis.

I have an assignment that I need to complete for my instrument design course that requires my to utilize the MAP procedure. I am pretty sure it has nothing to with a navigational piece of paper or the dorm I once resided in at Grove City College. Somehow knowing what it is not, is not that helpful in running the procedure. Why do I not know what the Minimum Average Partial Procedure entails and how to run it on SPSS?


Even when I keep my lips pursed together, some amount of noise escapes and my shoulders seem to twitch. It is hard to sit in class when this is happening. My solution was to excuse myself to get some water and take a brief walk. I missed 5 minutes, only 300 total seconds of class, and now I don't know how to run a MAPP.

Probably next I will fail the class, and you will find me at the nearest Bob Evans because even with my enemy in tow, I can always fall back on my waitressing career. Oh wait.